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Reba Hilbert

Freelance Editor & Copywriter

If you’re a writer and need a professional, objective review of your work, I can help. From
proofreading to more in-depth editing, your manuscript will be clean, well-formatted, and
technically sound. Avoid problems with clarity, plot, dialogue, point of view, and style issues so
your readers aren’t distracted—and you can let your true vision shine!

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"Having a quality editor who can catch errors and fine-tune a manuscript is an absolute must. Having a wise editor, who can recognize one’s writing style (author’s voice), stylistic choices, and literary nuances—and work seamlessly within all of them to match you word for word and
thought for thought while still polishing your manuscript and bringing it to a whole new level—is a blessing! As a bestselling fiction author of Dark Fantasy & Gothic Romance, I was BLESSED to be introduced to Reba by my first publisher, to be able to bring her along with my second
publisher, and to now have her in my corner throughout my hybrid career. Reba knows editing: all the rules, styles, controversies…and when or if to break them. She has a keen eye, and she listens to what you as the writer want to accomplish or put forward on the page(s). She is easy to work with, extremely patient, and becomes both a reliable backstop and positive coach in your corner. She makes a hard process easy, and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a quality editor…just so long as you don’t take her away from me."
~ Tessa Dawn, author of Blood Curse Series, Pantheon of Dragons, and Dragons Realm Saga


Freelance editors work directly for you, the writer. They’re behind the scenes, quietly correcting grammatical errors and offering overall suggestions for improvement for your manuscript. A freelance editor can smooth out plot problems, spot timeline errors, and eliminate typos and other distracting mistakes. They can also improve your chances of being noticed by an acquisition editor or a literary agent.


If you’re self-publishing, it’s even more important to get your work carefully proofed or edited. Most self-publishers offer editing services for an extra fee, but it’s up to the writer to make sure his or her work is in near perfect form before it goes to print. A freelance editor is often a less expensive alternative, and we can help you avoid embarrassing mistakes.


Writers and editors share a love of the written word. We’re voracious readers, daydreamers, and poets. Bookstores call to us like the open road calls to the drifter, but here’s where the road diverges. Writers have the freedom of creative license, while editors are trained in the “rules” of writing—although most editors know that there’s a fine line between following the rules and doing what’s best for a particular manuscript.


A good copy editor, for example, keeps the general rules of the English language in mind but also preserves the writer’s unique voice. Each writer is different, and sometimes their style overrides mandates handed down by the grammar police. A good editor will recognize and nurture individual style.


It takes a certain persnickety type of person to really care about the mechanics of the English language and instinctively make appropriate improvements. We’re the type of people who are horrified by advertisements proclaiming, “Were here to help get you’re dreams started!” or are jolted by mismatched quotation marks on a billboard.


As an editor, I focus on the work line by line, looking for spelling and grammatical problems, consistency, clarity, word choice, sentence structure, verb tense, dialogue, and other issues of style. I also look at the big picture and flag general problem areas in plot, character, point of view, and overall flow.


So, what can a freelance editor do for you?


For one thing, most writers find it extremely difficult to proof their own work, and an objective reader can offer a careful review with a fresh eye. The result should be a clean, well-formatted version of the original.


A professional editor should have a firm grasp of the English language, as well as a solid working knowledge of at least one style manual (I prefer the Chicago Manual of Style) plus an extensive library of reference books. The Internet is also full of sites that make copy editors swoon with delight, sites where we can double-check song lyrics, verify the location of an English castle, or check the spelling of a Roman emperor’s name.


Should your character make his confession to the priest or the minister? Are you alluding to (or eluding?) a novel by Stephen King…or Steven King? A good copy editor will know…or know how to find out.


"First to the business at hand: What I look for in an editor is someone who is competent, has a fast turnaround, and charges a fair rate for their time. There are thousands of people who meet those criteria—enough to fill a phone book (Remember those? She’s under “H.”).

So why Reba Hilbert?

Two words: Reba Hilbert.

Working with an editor is not only a professional transaction but also a relationship built on trust, respect, and honesty. That does sound like a bumper sticker for your shiny new EV, but for me one developed over many years and five books.


Birthing your literary sprogs can get messy and bloody, and Reba was my editorial midwife through my self-published works. But once cleaned up…such beauty, such beauty.

I distinctly remember that when I sent her the first draft of my children’s story, Christmas Yve, a Kiwi elf’s dream to join Santa, I was a nervous wreck. I cried. Like when I dropped off my eldest daughter Sadie on her first day of Preschool.

Will she be okay? I hope they take good care of her. Will she be different?

And upon her return: “How was it?”

“Mrs. Hilbert taught us about misplaced modifiers.”

Finally, Reba Hilbert has an excellent sense of humour. In an editor? Yes. The “e” and “h” words can coexist in the same sentence, eh.

Fancy that."  

-Stephen Groak Author

"Reba is a consummate professional editor who provided an invaluable service to me in preparing my manuscript for publication. We all know the old saying that a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well, the writer is equally foolish for not calling upon an excellent editor like Reba. I work as an editor for academic journals and teach editing, but I wouldn’t think of publishing without the assistance of Reba’s keen editorial perspective." – Dr. Alex Reid, Professor and Chair, Media Study at SUNY Buffalo

"Throughout my professional editorial relationship with Reba Hilbert I have come to the following realization: she is the most articulate, decisive, constructive and talented copywriter and editor I have ever worked with. Beginning with my graduate thesis and continuing with my smaller projects and manuscripts, Reba has maintained a remarkable and refreshing zest for the art of editorial critique. Her writing style is fluid, professional and multifaceted. She is, without a doubt, the most personable and reliable editor and copywriter I have ever encountered. It is my belief that I will never need or want to look elsewhere for editorial support or copywriting…she’s that good!" —Sarah K.P. Lundin

"I recommend Reba for her pertinacious persistence and painstaking, punctilious precision to detail. Ms. Hilbert exudes a rare ability to recognize the most minute typographical flaw and address it with impressive alacrity as elucidated from her assiduous efforts. A genius in her field, Reba unequivocally demonstrates a synergistic balance of indefatigable determination and superlative aptitude. Hence, I most highly recommend Reba Hilbert for her superior business acumen and overall intelligence, a true professional who possesses preternatural editing proficiency." — Michael W. Staib, MBA, Senior Investment Writer/Financial Analyst

"Reba did a great job of copy editing for our collection of original plays, more difficult than most projects because it involved a variety of authors and styles pulled together in a single collection. We would recommend her for your publications, and plan to use her on our future work." — Jerry Davis, Presenter, Actor, Director, Writer

"Reba was able to prepare my dissertation manuscript for submittal in a very tight timeline and really helped to give me that outside eye, especially to make sure the manuscript was carefully and accurately cited. She took all the stress away from the end of this journey." —Dr. Rhonda Reid, PhD, Director, Center for Excellence in Writing at University at Buffalo Director, Center for Excellence in Writing at University at Buffalo



  • Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Copyediting
  • Line Editing
  • Manuscript Review
  • Academic Editing
  • Book Jacket Copy


  • Writer’s Relief Inc.

  • Ebook Launch

  • Springboard Publishing Group

  • Happy Self-Publishing

  • Capital Books

  • Dorchester Publishing

  • Outskirts Press

  • Siren Publishing

  • Arbor Books

  • Parlor Press


Send a sample of your work (5-10 pages or the first chapter) with an estimated word count of the manuscript overall, and I will give you a firm quote, depending on the level of editing required. You may choose between a final proofreading or a more detailed, extensive edit.

At the onset of the project, you will receive an estimated completion date. Meeting deadlines is a crucial part of the freelancer’s arsenal of excellence, and I take my deadlines seriously.

Whether you’re looking for a quick proof or a more extensive edit, you and your work will be treated with respect. The work will retain your original voice and style, and you will receive honest and helpful suggestions and comments.


It’s important that both author and editor see eye to eye – after all, this is your baby, and you’re entrusting it to a complete stranger. Feel free to send a few pages (about 1,000 words) for a free sample edit. You’ll be able to check compatibility, and you’ll get a more accurate quote on the entire project. Click here to receive a free sample and price quote.

Your work remains 100% confidential. So do your name and address. Guaranteed.

With the Microsoft Word tracking function, you can see each and every correction, giving you the power to accept or reject each change. It also saves you the trouble of manually correcting your own file copy.



Hi, I'm Reba Hilbert: a full-time freelance editor and copywriter with over 20 years of experience. My specialty lies in editing both creative writing and nonfiction, and I am passionate about helping writers polish their manuscripts to perfection.

My journey began right out of college when I landed my first job at a PR firm in Seattle. There, I wrote press releases and sponsorship proposals and took charge of proofing all copy—from posters and brochures to promotional material. This experience set the foundation for my meticulous attention to detail and my love for the written word.

I then transitioned into technical editing, working in document control for an engineering company. This role involved assembling comprehensive reports and studies for clients.

Eventually, I made the leap to freelance work, focusing on fiction. I immersed myself in the world of writers, spending years on writers' forums, reading industry-related websites, and studying resources like the Chicago Manual of Style and the Writer’s Market. This dedication paid off as I built up a client list and honed my editing skills.

Today, I am fortunate to do what I love most—reading incredible manuscripts and helping writers enhance their craft. I live in Clarkston, Washington, with my husband, our dog, and two cats, and I am a proud mother of two adult children.

If you’re a writer looking for a little help, don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I’m here to support you in getting your work published and achieving your writing goals.



I'm currently accepting new projects and collaborations! Feel free to reach out to discuss your writing needs and how I can assist you in achieving your creative vision.

Get in touch

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